Friday, September 27, 2013

Tomato plant woes, my table garden is a partial success

Well, year two for the old urban homestead (last year this consisted of one dying tomato plant), and it's been interesting this year. 

So the tomato plant, it will will bud out, get flowers, and then the flowers will die. OR a very small tomato will start to grow and the stem it's growing on will die. So far I have gotten 3 tomatoes, and they were mealy textured. 

For a minute in July and first part of August the tomato plant acted like it might grow, but then it decided NO.

It's a new pot and different soil from last year's setup so I know it's not something bad in the soil that made it want to die. At least last year's tomato plant gave it all it had and kept producing tomatoes while it faded away to brown stalks. This year it's not even pretending.

I also have had very bad luck with radishes, they didn't grow and went to seed with tiny nubs as root. In the pot with them some volunteer succulents grew, and are loving life.

You can see the dried up radish and the little volunteer succulent next to it. All in all it's been a strange year for my table garden.

The lettuce did really well until August then it got too hot and went to seed. The kale got bitter really fast, by the end of July. It never got very big before it turned bitter. 

The oregano plant died but I have a tiny basil plant that is producing lovely fragrant basil! 

 Mom found 2 camomile plants in my yard and put them in pots, they immediately died also.

The strawberries are impossible to kill and doing very well producing huge canopy sized leaves and tiny very misshapen fruit.

The green onions are just now the size of chives.

I'm sort of conflicted about next year. I know I will grow lettuce, kale, and strawberries, but as for everything else it was a flop. Part of me resists giving up on the tomato thing, maybe third time lucky?

I just don't know.

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